Monday, September 6, 2010

New creative products that will make your heart smile

So If one were to google wedding videos, you will find that its similar to stepping into an old folks home. It     seems like everything is out dated and old school. So I have come up with new, creative, and fun videos that wont put you to sleep and that you will want to show the world and that you can cherish for years to come. Whenever I figure out how to put videos on this blogy thingy I will post some sample videos for yalls enjoyment.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there is a fine line between what makes a wedding video crap, and good. I would certainly hope that with the money that people throw down for a decent video there is more to it than just a song thrown to a few cuts and cross-fades. It seems like you are running a legitimate business, good work!
