Monday, August 30, 2010

wedding video/still fusion of creative chaos

So after a long hard thought and a slumber of what i should blog about, it came to me in a dream. I just so happen to have a new little unique wedding video/slideshow business starting up as of late and I figure a blog can be a perfect place for people to go and look at some videos I have made and get excited for their own video still fusion movie that will be a memory refresher for the rest of their lives. So get excited to see this idea blossom into a fortune 500 company and a place where precious moments can be remembered forever.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

lost puppy in a world of internet machines

So I'm sitting here in provo town with a by golly cute lil lady and we've been pondering what in the world to post on my first blog in the history of blogs and were getting some what of writers blogk.. so rather than just puttin some sort of half bogus effort we shall ponder and pray about thee most fantasmic topic that will blow each and every one of you internet machine surfers out of yer comfy little computer chairs, so just you wait in ernest angst to await the premier of this my first blog. peace and love to all my fans.
chaser deaner signing out.